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China's trade in goods hit a record high in the first quarter, exceeding 10 trillion yuan


China's General Administration of Customs releases first quarter foreign trade report this year

First quarter

my country's total import and export value of goods reached 10.17 trillion yuan

5% YoY growth

In terms of scale, it exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time in the same period in history

In terms of growth rate, it hit a six-quarter high


Exports reached 5.74 trillion yuan, up 4.9% year-on-year

Imports amounted to 4.43 trillion yuan, up 5% year-on-year

Wang Lingjun, Deputy Director General of the General Administration of Customs, said

my country's foreign trade got off to a strong start in the first quarter and gained momentum

Lay a solid foundation for achieving the annual goal of "quality improvement and quantity stability"

China Customs trade sentiment survey results show

Proportion of enterprises reporting an increase in export and import orders in March

Significantly increased compared to last month

It is expected that my country's imports and exports will continue to improve in the second quarter

The first half of the year basically maintained a growth channel

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